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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is County Rescue considered Brown County Rescue?  Are you a part of County Government?
A: County Rescue is a private, non-profit organization that is not affiliated with County or State Government.

Q: What is a County Rescue First Responder?
A: County Rescue First Responders are licensed at all levels from medical first responder through paramedics.  75% of County Rescue’s First Responders are trained to at least the EMT level.  These individuals are a group of volunteers who respond from their homes to assist members of their communities in their time of need. Responders are trained, supported, and medically equipped by County Rescue.

All responders carry a full complement of medical equipment based on their level of license and provide immediate care for citizens living in rural areas prior to the arrival of an ambulance crew.

Q: How do I become involved in EMS with County Rescue?
A: Please see the “Join the Team” page and complete the form there to get started.

Q: Does County Rescue allow EMS ride alongs?
A: County Rescue allows EMS  ride alongs for individuals from agencies such as police, fire, 911 dispatch, and area hospitals. Individuals must be at a minimum 18 years of age and sign a release of liability and confidentiality agreement. With rare exception, observation is only allowed from our primary station location in the Village of Bellevue. County Rescue reserves the right to restrict observers from participating in situations which may be hazardous or sensitive in nature. Ride along shifts vary in length from six to twelve hours based on the observer’s focus.  Due to demand, observers are scheduled in advance and complete information on the ride along policy will be provided at the time of scheduling. If you are interested in scheduling an EMS ride along please contact us.

Q: How do I arrange a medical transport?
A: Local ambulance transports can be arranged by calling: 920-469-9779.

Q: I have a question about my bill, who should I contact?
A: Feel free to contact one of our billing specialists at 855-316-8127.

Q: What does it mean when a statement says an amount has been applied to my insurance deductible? 
A: In an insurance policy, the deductible is the portion of any claim that is not covered by the insurance provider. It is the amount of money that must be paid out of pocket before an insurer will cover any expenses.  The deductible must be paid by the insured before the benefits of the policy can apply.

Q: What does “Usual and Customary” mean?
A:“Usual and Customary” is a set amount that an insurance plan will pay for a certain procedure.  It is an amount derived at through many different means such as surveys, competition among insurance companies, and pressures put on them by employers to hold down policy costs.  What it means for the patient is an amount not paid by the insurance plan that becomes the patient responsibility to pay.

When an amount is denied as “Usual and Customary”, the patient receives an invoice for the amount not covered by their insurance.  We work very hard to make sure all insurance benefits are exhausted before billing a patient.  Payment plan options are available as well as our Community Care program, which allows us to provide a discount on the invoice for qualified patients.

Q: What should I do if I see an ambulance approaching me while I am driving?
A: You must yield the right-of-way to fire, ambulance, police and other authorized emergency vehicles when they are responding to emergencies. They will display flashing red, or red and white, lights and sound a siren or air-horn. When you hear or see an emergency vehicle approaching your vehicle from any direction, including on your side of an expressway or limited access highway, safely pull over immediately to the right edge of the road and stop. Wait until the emergency vehicle passes before driving on. If you are in an intersection, drive out of it before you pull over.

You must pull over and stop for an emergency vehicle even if it is coming toward you in the opposite lane of a two-way roadway.  

If you hear a siren or air-horn nearby but do not know exactly where the emergency vehicle is, you should pull over and stop until you are sure it is not approaching you. An emergency vehicle using lights and a siren or air-horn may be unpredictable. The driver may legally exceed the speed limit, pass red lights and STOP or YIELD signs, go the wrong way on one-way streets and turn in directions not normally allowed. Although emergency vehicle drivers are required to exercise due care, be very cautious when an emergency vehicle approaches.